Our friend and design hero extraordinare Debbie Millman included us in her Core 77 Gift Guide, Better Living Through Typography. How cool is that? Check it out along with tons of other awesome gift guides here.
What's Happening — posters
Core 77 Gift Guide
awesome decoration design gifts love it posters
How Bezar
I don't know about you, but I miss Fab. I mean the real Fab where the edit was tight and you could get lost for hours and hours discovering and shopping some of the most designy stuff on the internet. Well, there's good news, the band is back together and it's called Bezar. We are thrilled to be part of the upcoming launch in March 2015. Sign up now to get the goods https://bezar.com/join/c93b9c07
Congratulations, Bradford, Matt and PJ. Don't Call it a Comeback!
Work Jams
awesome love it posters tattly
So excited to share Pugly Pixel's post complete with our artwork and corresponding video. Have a listen. Love it!!!
Dreamy Window
awesome in the wild in-store love it posters
Went for a walk in the neighborhood and saw this awesome window display at DijitalFix a very cool design and electronics store here in SF and also in Brooklyn. It's my first time in a window display. Hooray!
Paper Jam Coast-to-Coast
decoration Dijital Fix in the wild in-store posters
Paper Jam can be spotted in stores on both coasts, thanks to our friends at Dijital Fix who have locations in Both Williamsburg and San Francisco. Plus, their San Francisco store is also decorated with our posters (and they are for sale there!) We dig it!